This is a one-year course designed for young people who are thinking about their vocational future. Within the course there are a range of subjects that work on developing the students' confidence and skills to self-advocate and to become more independent and progress to a higher level Supported Learning course or onto the Supported Internship Programme.
Progression Opportunities
Progression to Skills for Progression within the Supported Learning Department or Supported Internship Programme.
Course Details
Full Time
35 weeks
Start Date
End Date
Course Code
For up-to-date information about tuition fees, living costs and financial support, visit Fees and Finance.
Search for a course or your favourite subject, find more information and begin your application.
Coronavirus update
Southwark College is closely monitoring all communications and guidance as it becomes available. This information is for students and staff and reflects updates from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England (PHE). We are prepared to escalate our contingency arrangements in the event of change.
The government is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to work with the WHO and international community. For staff and students, it remains business as usual across our sites and our workplaces.
Please note that, at present, this advice refers only to arrivals from Wuhan, and not the remainder of China. If you have returned from Wuhan you should:
Call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the city. Students should also notify their GP.
Self-isolate for a total period of 14 days following arrival from Wuhan – avoiding contact with other people in the same way as you would in the case of ‘flu. You should do this whether or not you are experiencing any symptoms.
General guidance for those planning visits to Wuhan or other destinations in China
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) maintains updated travel advice for those planning a trip to Wuhan or other destinations in China. This is available at: